DNS: DYnamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

DNS: DYnamic Neuromuscular Stabilization


DNS exercises reinforce the original movement patterns that humans follow during the first year of life.


Upcoming DNS Courses:

Official DNS Certification Coursework with The Prague Schoool of Rehabilitation

The nervous system establishes programs that control human posture, movement, and gait.

This ‘motor control’ is largely established during the first critical years of life.

The neurodevelopmental aspects of motor control are used to assess and restore ideal movement patterns. 

Put more simply, DNS is a rehabilitation/movement approach that stimulates movement control centers in the brain to activate how our bodies were meant to move by restoring our inborn stabilizing locomotor function.

Stabilizing our body is automatic: prior to any movement, our short intersegmental spinal muscles, deep neck flexors, diaphragm, abdominal wall, and pelvic floor prepare to stabilize the body (this is called our Integrated Stabilizing System). 

DNS Movement Flow helps encourage and reinforce ideal, efficient movement. 



  • To Integrating your core into all you do

  • Cues for becoming aware of your current alignment

  • Ideal primal human movement patterns

  • Tools to regulate your CNS with breath and movement
