Your body has the answer.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) exercises are a foundational skillset to support more efficient training and everyday movement.

DNS exercises allow you to tap into the innate wisdom of the body to become more efficient, stronger, more fluid and heal faulty movement patterns.


Mind and Movement Masterclass:

Longevity tools to think, Move, and feel better Throughout life

Friday September 6th, 2024

Interactive workshop with leaders in their field 

  • Kelee Meditation & Surfing Technique with Matt Griggs and Taylor Knox

  • Movement, nutrition, breathing, sleep/recovery for health and longevity with Tim Brown and Michael Rintala

  • Learn simple strategies to feel and move better, for longer, in and out of the water.


  • DNS Seminars

    In person DNS and hybrid seminars and workshops hosted by Dr. Michael Rintala.

  • DNS Tutorials

    Join us monthly for live tutorials with DNS Therapists from The Prague School of Rehabilitation

    If you can’t join us live you will have access to watch the recording for 2 weeks

    $40 for each session

  • DNS Tutorials Library

    Access our library of previous DNS Tutorials on your own timeline.


Maggie rIntala

Maggie began her working life as a professional dancer. Being active came naturally to her for a long time and led to her work as a personal trainer.

After her second child she developed chronic pain and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The years of living with chronic pain, disease and depression gave Maggie a deep understanding of how to be fit for her life. Maggie coaches people to start where they are so they can move where they choose to go.

You can live a life of purpose in a body you love with fitness that feels good in all you think and do.

Visit Maggie’s Instagram

Dr. Mike Rintala

Dr. Rintala is a chiropractor in San Diego, California who specializes in chiropractic sports medicine and rehabilitation. He is committed to helping you with your rehabilitaion and chiropractic needs. Using cutting edge manual medicine, functional rehabilitation, and diagnostic techniques he strives to bring you the quality of care you deserve.

Dr. Rintala is currenlty a member of the of the PGA Tour Sports Medicine Team. He is also an International Instructor for the Prague School of Rehabilitation on courses in:

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization According to Pavel Kolar PhD, PT

A Developmental Kinesiology Approach

Visit Dr. Rintala’s Instagram